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  • +375 33 913 22 22

Our salons

Large selection of materials and accessories
Our address220030, Republic of Belarus,
st. Pervomayskaya, 10
Working hours Mon. - Fri.: 10-00 - 20-00
Sat.: 10:00 - 18-00
Sun.: weekend
Contacts +375 33 913 22 22
+375 33 913 22 22


Houses from glued laminated timber
ProductionWith a total area of ​​more than 470 sq.m.
Equipmentmodern, italian
TeamMore than 25 specialists
AccessoriesCertified materials
Working hours Mon. - Fri.: 9-00 - 18-00
Sat. - Sun.: weekend
Contacts +375 29 636 22 22


Houses from glued laminated timber
ProductionWith a total area of ​​more than 470 sq.m.
Equipmentmodern, italian
TeamMore than 25 specialists
AccessoriesCertified materials
Working hours Mon. - Fri.: 9-00 - 18-00
Sat. - Sun.: weekend
Contacts +375 29 636 22 22
Contact us
And we will answer all your questions